Triptych of odes


Ode to granny Nona / Giants of childhood


Pillar of love, I thought forever

you will be here, walking by my side

with your fast pace your hallmark

which I barely can catch up those days

but now I am walking just that way

You will sing me all those songs

about seaside, about lowlands

about unfortunate love

and most the one about

how can you over come the sorrow

with a song

I am doing that just right now

in this moment I am thinking about you

little birdy of mine

and I missed you

I miss your honest smile

of a child and that most bluest in your eyes

I miss to hug you before going to bed

and wish you a good night

Because not every night is good and light

when you pass some moments in life

you have to carry go on and put on a smile

no matter what.

To preserve in the heart, you renergy

scent of the lauerl

the song of the blackbird

the murmur of the sea

and that fox and rabbit

I had the lack to play with

and softness of their furr

your adventures and your

restless spirit

love toward woods, courage

in difficult situations

and the various moment

I can‘t even name now

but they are in me

Thank you is not enought

how much you gave me.

You last forever


Ode to mother / Invisible strenght


Hug which always waits in the dark

Litten light in the night

Lighthouse and a roadsign

to real and to

Beat of the heart which strengthens

a word a laugh a time that pass

Accumulates energy for all that bad

For a shiled for a serenity for a strenght

without it can‘t breath and you can‘t

Invisible gauze, invisible power

hands that helps you to stand on your feet again

and remain a stand and smile and words

Tacit agreement, the strongest clamp

against all small and big storms

which can ruin you, if you are outisde

and knock you down like dominoes

if you don‘t have shelter where to hide

A small oasis of peace and infinity

galaxy inside with all faces of the universe

and one mother for which you can tell

that you really alive


Ode to creativity / Shield and gauze


For all art souls

alive and decased

which inspired me

there is no bigger power

than creativtiy

which you send

into enternity

For new ideas

for richness

of someone‘s


for steps

that echoes in

the silence

till somebody

hear them

That‘s a drive

of the world

the echoe that art

carries and remind us

that we can do that

that all of us were once

a small and weak

but eventually

we overcome it

and do something

with it

Maybe it‘s

just a small comma

in infinity

but for me

it maybe saves a day

initiante invisble

whirls in thought

and gives energy

to move on

into life and

to attack windmills.

Because sometimes

from that unequal


the stongest art

comes out.