Fantastic corners of Hochensalzburg castle

Collage –making of the worlds was two weeks intensive workshop on the theme of collage (understood in the broadest sense: paper cut, digital, collage in literature, collage in space or narrative, assemblage, installation, etc) 

Studio was located in the premises of International Summer Academy of Fine Arts on Hochensalzburg fortress. Starting point for my project, that I was developing that two weeks was that fortress and it‘s interiors, hallways, tunnels, passages and door, that‘s why the project is called Fantastic corners of Hochensalzurg fortress.

Aim of this intermedia project was making alternative fiction worlds using photographs or real ambient of Hochensalzburg fortress. Project includes: digital illustrations, guide for extended area of works which includes short narrative by the author and quotes which reference fantastical spaces in literature and map showing real spaces in which works are exhibited.

The aim is to show touristic sight and historic cultural monument in completely new perspective, a fantastic one, using completely different narrative and images than the one which are actual facts and history of the fortress.






Outcome of the results driven workshop Collage – making the worlds lead by Jakob Kolding and organized by International Summer Academy of Arts in Salzburg, Austria. 

More info:


Jakob Kolding


International Summer Academy of Arts in Salzburg