It‘s five minutes for you
the whole life in visual arts
It‘s five minutes for you
six years of Academy of art
It‘s five minutes for you
experience, errors, and hits
It‘s five minutes for you
all classes attended
It‘s five minutes for you
all free and paid workshops
It‘s five minutes for you
all talks with artist and professors
It‘s five minutes for you
all seen exhibitions and read statements
It‘s five minutes for you
all read books and watched movies
It‘s five minutes for you
all formal and non-formal education
It‘s five minutes for you
hours spent on work in photoshop
It‘s five minutes for you
all mastered skills and programs
It‘s five minutes for you
all done brainstormings
It‘s five minutes for you
all draw mind maps
It‘s five minutes for you
all started, then discarded ideas
It‘s five minutes for you
all good and menace critics and commentary
It‘s five minutes for you
all passed practical and theoretical exams
It‘s five minutes for you
all group and solo exhibitions and projects
It‘s five minutes for you
six years of Academy of art
It‘s five minutes for you
the whole life in visual arts