Launching novels


Every time
when we refused
to eat lunch
our grandma
use to read us novels
in the manner of
a series
She was careful
when to
stop reading
until the next lunch
so we have
focus on eating
Just to say
that‘s wasn‘t
some crap novels
it was real
literature for
with real heroes
and real adventures
from which you
always learn something
and grow an inch
higher and nearer
to stars
What my grandma
didn‘t know
maybe assumed
that with this reading
she was feeding
another hunger
this unstoppable one
for imagination
in me
That hunger
is still here
those lunches
are no more
and my grandma
is gone
But she is
not gone
out of that
I fall
in love
with literature
after that
with writing
as well
so every act
of writing
is a big
thank-you note
to all those
with whom
she fed me.