Chanel WD-40


It was never a problem for me
to get my hands dirty
when I do something
I love
I don‘t have polished nails
or nail extensions

Already on the Academy of Arts
I learned everything about
and which removes what
and how to treat hands after that

All four studies
my hands were dirty
from studying

In the meantime
somebody taught me
how to maintain
my inline skates
I get my hands dirty
about it almost
25 years

In art now, I am digital
which is clean
but for a good photograph
I still have to go places
beyond the boundaries
of beauty
for everything else
including extreme
sports and maintenance
of the house mechanics
there is WD-40

It is a woman best friend
on TV and in magazines
they would not tell you so
because it‘s not cosmetics

It‘s a pro-level
of contemporary woman
it‘s not an image they need
but it‘s a reflection of
one of reality
which don‘t fit in
but perfectly exist
on the margins

She maybe smells on the perfume
but be aware she has WD-40 at home
and knows how to use it

Maybe this is not
what you need
so it‘s more harmless
for you to continue
than to stare
into a set of
intuitive and practical
but unknown solution
to you
which don‘t match
your patterns and molds
because life is also learned
beyond everything
if you are a girl,
a young woman
or woman