

I honestly

don’t understand people

who are importing pain,

when I could

export it.

I have

a ton of them

these days.

Which pain

would you like

tell me?

In which intensity

and where

to locate it?

I offer a headache,

a pain in the legs

and the pain

in the left ovary.

The headache is


the pain in the legs

slightly irritable,

while the left ovary

is solid eight

on the scale of pain.

That one is not

for amateurs.

That one pushes

the organism into the chaos

disturbs the rhythm of sleep

and makes you throw up.

Yes, that right

against severe pain

the organism reacts with rebelling

of the digestive system,

because you have

a whirl of nervosis there.

If you ask me

I will sell all that pain,

and that according to

the urgent procedure.

Is there any brave person in the audience

who is willing to buy it now?

This solid eight?

I will give it for free

to the first person who will

raise a hand,

but I know well,

you can’t give pain

as a present.

You can inherit it

whether I want it or not.

But I know well

what I really want.

I want it to be gone

but without hormones

or analgetics.

Someone just to erase it

with rubber

like a grammatical error

on the genes.

We didn’t mean

pain but gain.

Excuse us,

our mistake.