The winner takes it all
I wear pain as a gadget.
No, I don’t. I don’t see
anything fashionable in it.
Really. But still, I am fighting
hard not to be worn by it.
I just want to conquer it
with art and science.
Maybe I use it, to learn
something about myself.
I already did a hard lesson.
Full of unnecessary shit.
But I might discover
new things on the road
of cramps and bumps
and a handful of analgetics.
About my brain,
my pain thresholds,
my focus, my creativity.
I will use the pain to
overcome the same.
A logical U-turn in the game.
Who is the winner now?
Who is wearing whom?
You are an outdated accessory.
And I am not a fan of recycling you
in one more month cycle, but
you keep coming back.
I refuse I rebel I resist,
I am wearing my art, poetry,
or whatever is here to help. Again.
Whatever I dream I can.
And whatever I succeed
is a small victory, a gain.
The same formula
no pain no gain repeats.
But I don’t want to play
by those rules any more.
This, is an uninteresting game.
I want to wear instead
a biggest painless smile.
And a pair of happy, green
most calming eyes.
Something that is
truly me. Not the pain.
Not ever again.