The space is...pain


The whole room is filled

with hours spent

in the rhythm

of the painkillers

and pain attacks.

The heavy air and dark

“Breathe in – Breathe out”

and that for hours.

One attack has passed.

One by one

the whole surface

is mapped

with micro steps.

Minimal coreography

of pain around

the apartment:

kitchen, toilet

room, bed

and that for hours,

while at the end

the tiredness

is sorted out

in the collection

of the restless sleeping.

After three days

the space is expanding,

the rythm of hours

and sleep is back,

you are awake

there where you stopped

three days before.

The space is

again whole,

but otherwise for me…

The space is pain.

The space is

reduced moving

of the necessary

needs only.