Speculative design work

This is the working table of the medical researcher at Symbioscene University. A scientific press release just came out about an important discovery detailing the healing properties of emotionally charged human tears which are beneficial to marine mammal animals in curing eye diseases caused by human pollution. This led to a medical product called Anthro Tears and the forming of Coastal Clinics providing marine mammals a suite of diverse health services. These clinics provide a safe environment in therapy rooms where human tear donators come to cry and donate their collected tears. How will this situation unfold? Humans cry from sorrow and distress, but it also brings them relief. On the other hand, they also cry from happiness and joy. So multiple therapy scenarios can be envisioned.

The speculative work Interspecies Anthro Tears asks several questions: What would happen if humans were in the situation the animals are now in the context of increased medical research and testing? I used eyes as context and tears as a medium because it is a softer and more probable scenario than thinking about an interspecies medical exchange like organ transplantation. Also, are humans in this scenario feeling guilt and grief, so tears become the mutual cure for both humans and animals? In the end, this medical solution still doesn‘t solve the cause of animals suffering due to human-caused ocean pollution, but it does alleviate the symptoms. Anthro Tears makes us constantly aware of their plight.

About the exhibition

The Sea Sees Us

Media Mediterranea Festival 26


This exhibition takes us to the year 2124 to see what the world would like to be if the symbioscene now connects non-human and human beings into balanced collaborative communities. Covering the first successful communication in the year 2100, followed by other cohabitation practices, knowledge sharing in the field of medicine, daily life supplementation, and psychological well-being, human-sea communication is advancing. 

About the workshop


Metamedia Association in collaboration with The Design of Visual Communications Department (Arts Academy in Split) organized a speculative design workshop under the title The Sea Sees Us.

The workshop took place during the 26th edition of Media Mediterranea festival, from 27 May to 1 June 2024 in the gallery of the Association of Istrian Architects – DAI SAI in Pula, Croatia, and will be led by designer and marine scientist Skye Moré(Portland, Oregon, USA). 


Photography: Nastasja Miletić – @upitnikusklicnik