Twisted town 2.0 is intermedia project which has a cultural heritage as a inspiration (Geozaod, 19 century building in Belgrade). It explores scenography potential of the place in the creating digital illustrations.
The project explores a history of photography and types of pre-photography presentation of space: wall and circle panorama. The work is accompanied with the map which lead to points of perspectives and gives additional prose texts to extend the area of photographic work
Work Loop - Text Loop
Prose exercises:
The left door leads to the right door.
In front of the door on the yellow wall there is a door on the green wall beside which is the door on the yellow wall in front of which is the door on the green wall. An endless loop.
This loop describes the nightmare of numerous waking from a lucid dream in the same ambient, the same bed, and in the same scene. In that loop, in that endless string when you are really awake you are trying to figure out how much reality is real around you because you can’t trust it anymore and you wait to be awake again in your bed. In one more iteration of the nightmare.
Work Hallway - Text Doubled Focalization
Prose exercises:
These two sentences are completely the same, the context depends on the person reading them.
I behave like a girl / I behave like a girl
This is so cheap / This is so cheap
(Multiple focalization)
Forbidden entrance to the different.
Everybody saw the text on the door. The question is who entered the room and who waited outside because it was forbidden.
Sometimes you ask yourself which reality is real, when you place yourself in the perspective of very lively dream, besides the life itself. Or it’s just two different perspectives on the same actuality but from different realities. In which sometimes self opposed to another Iself or multiplicated perspectives of all other myself.
Work Wall Panorama Text Reverse Moving
Prose exercises:
There are stories that you can read in any direction.
The sentences here don’t mind the arrangement.
This could be the first sentence.
Anyway, the meaning is not lost.
Meaning is not lost, anyway,
If we could walk on the time scale in both directions (forward-backward) like in spatial relations, so the future can be the past and the past the future. Just like these rooms, we just decide in which pocket or branch of time we will enter or not or should continue with moving. So we could decide to go back again, on the starting point, if it exists.
Work Panorama 360 - Text Circular Connection
Prose exercises:
“Somebody said not to listen what others are telling you.”, and how I suppose to accept that when that somebody is other who says: “Somebody said not to listen what others are telling you.”,
At the beginning of this text is written that one who reads to the end must read the first sentence again because it’s the last. But they told me to write that down on the beginning of this text.
For a question where all these hallways are leading to, there should be a work that speaks about non-linear or jumping moving through the labyrinth of fantasy, like an answer. But it’s a theme of another exhibition, analysis or thinking.