The space is…pain

The space is…pain   The whole room is filled with hours spent in the rhythm of the painkillers and pain attacks. The heavy air and dark “Breathe in – Breathe out” and that for hours. One attack has passed. One by one the whole surface is mapped with micro steps. Minimal coreography of pain around […]


Sale/Error   I honestly don’t understand people who are importing pain, when I could export it. I have a ton of them these days. Which pain would you like tell me? In which intensity and where to locate it? I offer a headache, a pain in the legs and the pain in the left ovary. […]

Period: Body as a monthly machine for torture

Period: Body as a monthly machine for torture   When you body is so fucked up that you feel the pain of less intensity as an award. To have high expectations that will not achieve its maximum It would be very naive. Painkillers are on my side, hope not.  

Winner takes it all

The winner Takes It All The winner takes it all   I wear pain as a gadget. No, I don’t. I don’t see anything fashionable in it. Really. But still, I am fighting hard not to be worn by it. I just want to conquer it with art and science. Maybe I use it, to […]

Poetry against pain

Poetry Against Pain   I wanted pain not only to take away something from me, in hours that would be too much write down that number, in the amount of the rest important to the body that is visible on the face. I wanted upon to prove that I could assign to the pain a […]

Dear brain – The plea

Dear Brain – Plea   Understanding the limits of my body started with the pain. Exempting from gym classes for me was the punishment. I loved to move, to run, to do gymnastics. Why not the pain save me from itselfbut I have to avoid the activities which I like and are pleasing to my […]


Earthquake   They didn’t tell you there was an earthquake, but somewhere else. Escarpment of physical pain encroaching the mental. I am hiding from people in the protection of solitude, while the invisible is collapsing around me. Pain is a subjective category, thus you don’t see it. Visually it is a fetal position. There, somewhere […]

Pain tourism

Pain tourism   In one of the dystopic dark future worlds, I would probably be a person who sells the experience of her menstrual period cramps to the interested adrenaline junkies HeavyPeriodPainCrapms generator would be a facility of the two rooms connected with electro conductors which would transmit electrical signals of the brain and muscle […]


SilentCrampsDisco   Welcome back,we are still in one of the dark future universes. The same one has HeavyPeriodCramps facility. To add a bit more fun, we gonna include a silent cramps disco to it. Music will be made from the electro signals gathered in HeavyPeriodCramps facilities and translated into the noise. The volume and the […]

The longest minutes

The longest minutes   Eleven hours of heavy period pain.Everything below the neck hurts in a different way.The strongest painkillers are not working.Feeling trapped like a stranger inside my body.Can’t eat. Can’t sleep. Can’t rest. Just waiting for it to pass. In the fetal position mostly. Every now and then,the sharpest pain impulse is hitting […]